PMA brings enthusiasm, flexibility, and proven skills to our documentation of cities, neighborhoods, properties, and cultural resources. Our portfolio focused on existing and historic properties proves especially beneficial when working on private projects using local public agency incentives, or the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program.
Due to the nature of working with existing and historic properties, our firm has a great deal of experience working with local, state and federal agencies to assess existing structures and sites, analyze impacts to historic assets targeted for redevelopment opportunities, and developing visual materials for compelling presentations for regulatory review, project stakeholders, and the greater public. We understand how to coordinate with local, state, and federal agencies to help complex projects move towards completion. Our Planning services include:
- Design Review
- Land Use consulting
- Compliance with the State of Oregon Protection of Publicly Owned Properties (ORS 358.653) and State of Washington Executive Order 05-05
- Historic Structures Reports and Resource Surveys
- Historic Preservation Plans
- Design Guidelines
- Section 106 & Mitigation
- HABS/HAER Documentation
- National Register of Historic Places Nominations
- Determination of Eligibility (DoE) documents
- Findings of Effect (FoE) evaluations
- Technical assistance with federal, state, and local historic tax incentive applications