Port of Tillamook Bay
Completed 2005 – 2013
1,600 acres
Since 2005, Peter Meijer Architect, PC (PMA) has been engaged by the Port of Tillamook Bay for historic consulting services. Commissioned in 1942 and operational through 1949, the Naval Air Station Tillamook (NAS) is a 1,600 acre site with a smaller 400 acre site designated as an eligible historic district. The original use by the NAS Tillamook contained structures including 32 defense, eight industrial, five government, four transportation, three commercial, three agricultural, three residential, two recreational and cultural, one educational, one utilitarian, and one cemetery. Much of it still operational, the roads, sidewalks, water power sewer and utility lines, as well as the railroad infrastructure were constructed by the US Navy.
PMA’s historic consulting services have included the review of structural repairs, grant writing applications, preservation planning services related to historic compliance requirements, permit applications, and project funding compliance requirements. PMA continues to work with the Port on adaptive reuse of existing structures, incorporation of new structures on a historically significant site, funding opportunities, and on regulatory compliance requirements at the local, state, and federal level. The diverse projects include: Roads, Water & Sewer improvements; New Greenhouses properties; New warehouse properties; Industrial digester facility.