Tag Archives: black voices matter

It Is Time To Get To Work

It is time to get to work. The architecture and preservation communities have a significant amount of work to do. This is a start of the important work to be done to increase visibility and tell the fuller story.
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
Beyond the Built Environment
Black Artists + Designers Guild
Blacks Who Design
Black Interior Designers Network
Black Design Collective
Black Females in Architecture
Brandnu Design
Creative Action Lab
Creative Equals
Deem Journal
Design Can
Design Diversity
Design Indaba
Designing Justice + Designing Spaces
Female Design Council
Hip Hop Architecture Camp
National Association of Black Women in Construction
National Organization of Minority Architects
Now What?! + ArchiteXX
Organization of Black Designers
People of Craft
Studio SUMO
The Designer’s Workshop

Black Lives Matter
Black Visions Collective
The Bail Project
Campaign Zero
Color of Change
Equitable Giving Circle
Mercatus: PDX Black-Owned Business Directory
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
PDX Directory of Black-Owned Restaurants
Reclaim the Block
Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project
Unicorn Riot

Ally Resources
A guide to fair, safe, and effective community policing
List of books via Medium to assist in checking your white privilege